Water and Wastewater Plant Repair
Our deep and diversified inventories, combined with manufacturing capabilities and technical expertise make us a superior single source for any flow control project. Whatever your industrial specialty or automated flow control product needs, FloWorks can provide superior service and solutions to you. Many installations require unique components or individually designed parts. With our long-standing manufacturer relationships, we are in the business of making sure our customers have everything they need to get the job done right the first time.
Flotech helps engineering firms, municipalities, utilities, government, contractors and private industry with a full range of valve and automation solutions for water and wastewater applications.
In addition to new valves for membrane water purification manufacturers, reverse osmosis (RO), desalination plants, skid builders and the wastewater industry , we provide field valve repair services within the plant.
Contact us if your maintenance and operations team would like to schedule a valve education seminar at your facility.
We represent AWWA approved products such as Pratt and Limitorque actuators.
Click on the interactive Mueller Metro H2O Graphic to see a myriad of valve applications in water, wastewater and industrial scenarios: