Flotech maintains current certifications for valves, valve repairs, and valve testing per standards of A.S.M.E and the National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors.

VR Stamp
Authorizing the use and application of the “VR” mark for Machining, Testing and Valve Repair for Steam, Air/Gas & Liquid.

V Stamp
Authorizing the use and application of the “V” mark for the Assembly of Safety Valves for Power Boilers.

UV Stamp
Authorizing the use and application of the “UV” mark for the Assembly of Pressure Vessel Relief Valves.

R Stamp
Authorizing the use and application of the “R” mark for Metal Repairs and Welding.

PP Stamp
Authorizing the use and application of the “PP” mark for the Fabrication and Assembly of Pressure Piping.

NB Stamp
Authorizing the use and application of the “NB” mark to specified Pressure Relief Devices.

U stamp
Authorizing the use and application of the “U” mark for the Manufacture of Pressure Vessels.